Ridda – Web Design Agency WordPress Theme


Ridda – Web Design Agency WordPress Theme

Ridda is a Modern Web Agency WordPress Theme for any digital agency, marketing agency, video, technology & advertising, creative agency and advertising studio.

Ridda has all the necessary building blocks and pre-built components, allowing users to create a fantastic layout without having high-level programming knowledge. With a single click, these demos can be completely set up in 5-10 minutes. Ridda comes with the Elementor page builder on WordPress.

Ridda is built with the latest web technologies (Bootstrap framework, Sass, icon font, etc.) with the care of coding quality to ensure the theme works with all browsers and devices.

Features Overview

  • Drag and drop page builder Elementor:
    Elementor Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content
  • Bootstrap 5 Framework:
    Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.
  • Header & Footer Builder supported :
    We have a Full Supported header & footer builder using Elementor. You can choose the perfect header & footer from our builds and adjust it to your needs.
  • 50+ Custom Elementor Widgets:
    We provide 50+ custom Elementor widgets which make your customization much easier than the default widgets.
  • Codestar framework ( Save $49 ) :
    This Theme is based on the most popular, well-established, powerful framework!
  • Advanced Theme Options :
    Ridda Theme Options are custom-made settings that allow you to change just about any portion of the site, so you can build a uniquely customized site without any coding knowledge.
  • Compatible with Contact Form 7 :
    Ridda is compatible with the most powerful and popular custom contact forms WordPress widget! create your forms in seconds!
  • Responsive Layout Design:
    Whatever you are using the device your site will run as it should. The Ridda theme is the fully responsive layout for all types of devices
  • Advanced typography options:
    Choose any of the Google web font libraries through the powerful theme options panel! Now you can set a unique style for your brand!
  • One click installation:
    Install Ridda with our powerful one-click installer. Get your site up and running in no time! Quick, easy, and rocket fast! .
  • Onepage Navigation:
    You can develop a one-page website using the in-built one-page navigation options and that is too with smooth scroll.
  • Demo content included:
    Ridda is ready to use from the box. Quickly install it via FTP or WordPress and after you activate it you can load demo content. Then you can add your content on already-designed pages. .
  • WooCommerce:
    Online store is a very important part of the modern web. The theme comes with full WooCommerce integration and custom shop design. Create your shop easily and fast.
  • Awesome Blog Pages:
    Blogging is essential! We designed beautiful blog page templates and custom single blog styles for your news and updates.
  • Detailed documentation:
    Extensive documentation plus great video guides on how to set up and customize the theme will make your customizations super easy and fast!

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